
Anuas CD - Bandcamp 1.png
Anuas CD - Bandcamp 1.png



This album has been nearly two years in the making and has been such an exciting project for us to undertake. Anuas is the Irish word for 'coming down', and is a reference to the Irish song tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation since long before we were born. Anuas features Seo Linn’s take on some of the oldest songs in the Irish song tradition, with a modern approach. We really hope you enjoy this album.

Tá an t-albam seo idir lámha againn le beagnach dhá bhliain agus nár bhain muid sult aisteach as chuile shoicind den phróiseas. Tá na hamhráin ar an albam seo théis teacht 'anuas' chugainn thríd na glúnta agus ba mhian linn cloch a chur ar an gcarn agus ár gcasadh féin a chur orthu. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh sibh taitneamh as!

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